Programs & Offers

Welcome to our Programs & Offers page, where we provide a range of opportunities designed to empower Christian authors at every stage of their journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your reach, our programs are tailored to meet your needs.

2-Day Marketing Mastery Workshop for Christian Authors

Overview:  Dive into a transformative two-day workshop journey, specifically tailored for Christian authors. This workshop is designed to impart crucial skills in marketing and audience engagement, utilizing ethical and effective strategies.

Workshop Goals & Benefits:

  • Ethical AI Content Creation: Learn how to ethically leverage AI to craft compelling content for social media that resonates in your voice, fostering a strong author-audience connection and attracting buyers effortlessly.
  • Genuine Online Connections: Discover strategies to forge authentic online relationships, expand your network, and establish yourself as a thought leader or sage guide in your field.
  • Biblical Community Building: Gain insights into a biblically documented process for cultivating a community of engaged and loyal followers, mirroring the approach of Jesus, achievable in a short time frame.
  • Time-Tested Ethical Strategies: Master simple yet effective strategies that build trust and motivate your followers to actively promote your book and message.
  • Strategic Online Partnerships through AI: Explore how AI can be used to identify cost-effective and impactful online partnerships, enabling you to reach larger, highly engaged audiences for promoting your book, services, and programs.

Next Steps: After the workshop, authors are encouraged to deepen their expertise through our Christian Author Success School, where these principles are applied and expanded upon.

Christian Author Success School

Exclusive to Marketing Mastery Workshop Graduates

Overview: Immerse yourself in the Christian Author Success School, an 8-week comprehensive program that elevates Christian authors’ skills in digital marketing and ethical AI utilization. Tailored to extend your influence and authorial presence in the digital age, this program offers in-depth training and hands-on experience.

Program Highlights & Benefits:

  • Advanced AI Integration: Master the art of integrating advanced AI tools into your marketing strategies, enhancing content quality and audience engagement.
  • Personal Branding Development: Learn how to craft and refine a powerful personal brand that authentically represents your Christian values and resonates with your target audience.
  • Media Appearance Preparation: Receive training on how to effectively present yourself in various media formats, from podcasts to interviews, ensuring you leave a lasting impression.
  • Community Building Techniques: Delve into advanced techniques for building a loyal and engaged community, inspired by biblical principles and adapted for today’s digital landscape.
  • Ethical Marketing Mastery: Develop a deep understanding of ethical marketing practices that align with Christian values, ensuring your promotional efforts are both effective and principled.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Learn how to establish and nurture strategic partnerships and collaborations that can amplify your reach and impact in the Christian author community.

Exclusive Graduate Benefits: Upon completion, graduates receive free podcast representation services to further elevate their visibility and impact, along with extended access to essential marketing tools and ongoing support.

Next Steps: Graduates are encouraged to take advantage of our Podcast Pitching Services for continued growth and outreach in the Christian authorship arena.

Podcast Power! Program

Available to Christian Author Success School Graduates

Overview: Graduates of the Christian Author Success School’s 8-week FlockBuilderAI program are offered an exclusive opportunity to amplify their voices and share their messages globally. Our “Podcast Power!” Program focuses on connecting you with leading podcasts, providing a platform to showcase your vision and expertise.

Program Highlights & Benefits:

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Utilize this platform to establish yourself as a visionary and thought leader in the Christian community.
  • Brand Building: Podcast appearances are an effective way to build your brand, connect with new audiences, and establish authority.
  • Networking Opportunities: Each appearance offers the chance to form meaningful connections with hosts and audiences, fostering future collaborations.
  • Global Influence: Extend your reach on a global scale, impacting lives and sparking positive change through your words.
  • Career Growth: Use these opportunities as a stepping stone to boost your book sales, grow your following, and solidify your influencer status.

Done-For-You Podcast Pitching Packages

Enhance your reach effortlessly with our Podcast Power! packages, offering comprehensive, done-for-you services:

  • Discovery Package: Get 3 podcast bookings, personalized messaging, a professional profile, and press kit, plus complete pitching support — all handled for you.
  • Premier Package: Includes everything in Discovery, plus 5 total bookings and a Social Boost with professionally designed social media graphics.
  • Optimal Package: Builds on Premier, with 7 total bookings and a Website Advantage, featuring a custom homepage and blog articles, crafted to enhance your online authority.

Elevate your brand and expand your audience with our expertly managed services. Begin your journey with Podcast Power! for impactful and hassle-free author promotion.
