About Tammy Lynn

    Tammy Lynn is an author, blogger and speaker who shares lessons from her own life-altering traumatic events, using practical, relatable analogies, to help women find hope and freedom to find God in seasons of darkness and pain.


    Tammy writes authentically from her own traumatic life events in the hope that others may find God in the midst of their own pain and trauma. Her desire is to speak into hurting hearts to know that they are not alone. Tammy has overcome sexual abuse, suicidal depression, dysfunctional relationships, and a great deal of personal loss and grief. In the span of three years, her marriage dissolved; her mother was diagnosed with cancer and passed within a month; her sister was diagnosed with cancer 2 years later and passed within a month of diagnosis; her stepfather passed away two months after her sister; and four months later, her ex-husband also lost his life. She self published Finding God in the Fire (2018) and O God Where Art Thou? (2020).

    Tammy Lynn