About Pastor Sabrina R. Hughes

    Sabrina is an ordained pastor, evangelist and new author. Pastor Sabrina is married to her soul mate and, they have a wonderful son. She grew up on the east coast but considers herself to be a southern girl. Pastor Sabrina has lived in several states and abroad. Sabrina is blessed to have had an accomplished professional life in the world of health care, education, and the military. Her life focuses on her relationship and works with Jesus Christ and believes that only the things you do with Him will last. Sabrina’s partnership with the Lord has allowed her to see and be an active part of His power, miracles, and wonders in this century in unimaginable ways! She is a passionate orchid grower with many exotic orchid species in her collection. Pastor Sabrina R. Hughes loves to spend time with her family and friends, cook, create new recipes, and travel.

    Pastor Sabrina R. Hughes

    God inspired me to write my first recently released Christian book entitled Experiencing God’s Power and Miracles, God Uses Ordinary People For Divine Purposes. Truly He is the author! This book is a powerful non-fictional modern-day journey and accounts of God using ordinary people like me for His divine purposes. This book unfolds why and how the Lord allows His servant to experience and be a vessel of His divine power, miracles, and wonders. These breathtaking truths unfold dramatically, reveal the nature of God, and display the Holy Trinity in action. Throughout this memoir, there are twists, turns, jaw-dropping moments, obstacles, laughter, victories, and much more. As the plots thicken and unravel, the reader gets to feel and visualize the servant’s unleashed power through the Holy Spirit that overcomes adversities, defeats the enemy, and the performance of mesmerizing miracles. This book also depicts the love that God has for His people and the firing process (trials) that He authorizes to further refine them into His image. Ultimately, passing the test propels the Christian to higher ground with the Lord! This book will cause you to think, reflect and respond.
