M.H. Elrich

About M.H. Elrich

    M.H. Elrich is a Christian Fantasy author, reader, otaku, and teacher who wears too many hats. In her spare time (if she has any), she watches T.V. with her husband, rides horses, and travels to places with lots of trees. She has been published in The Write Word, Orpheus, Kern County Fair, and Short Fiction Break. She currently has a Christian High Fantasy series called Daughters of Tamnarae which is available on most online platforms. Her marketing experience includes working for a local magazine for several years and personal experience.

    M.H. Elrich

    As an author myself, I understand all too well how hard it is to balance writing, revising, editing, publishing, and marketing. And of all the hats we wear as authors, the hardest one I’ve heard is marketing.

    Marketing is seen as the bane of many authors, but I have found that I enjoy it immensely. I enjoy cover reveals, blog tours, bookstagram tours, Facebook parties, newsletter swaps, and other marketing activities. I like brainstorming marketing ideas with my author friends, researching what works and what doesn’t work. I love marketing.

    So many authors don’t, and they complain about this part of their author role. They wish they could hire someone to do it for them, but can’t afford to hire a publicity company.

    This is where I come in.

    If you are an author who doesn’t like marketing and wants to have someone help them do it, I’m here! I offer affordable author services for those who don’t like marketing. There are different packages for different authors, so you can choose the best one for you.

