About Joseph Charles Beach

    Joseph Charles Beach is a lifelong resident of the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex and currently resides in Euless Texas, with his wife of 36 years, Michele. He is a member of Gateway Church in Southlake Texas. He graduated from the University of Texas, Arlington with a B.B.A. in Business Administration and has worked in the Stock Brokerage business, and for the last twenty-five years in the computer software industry. Joseph is a follower of Jesus Christ and believes God and the bible point to ultimate truth and reality. His desire is for all to come to know salvation through Jesus Christ. Joseph has volunteered with several Christian organizations including Real Choices Pregnancy Center, Meals on Wheels, Child Evangelism Fellowship – Good News Club, Stephen Ministries, and Kairos Prison Ministry.

    Joseph Charles Beach

    My name is Joseph Charles Beach, author of the new Christian book:

    “WORLDVIEW OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, Standing for God’s Truth.”

    This book was written because of the questions I had about how Christians choose their values and priorities. Do Christians choose their values from the Bible or from their social friends or from their political party?

    As Christians, we are all influenced by many factors in our day-to-day lives. The challenge is to choose our values wisely and weed out the influences that go against God’s teaching.

    Since I became a Christian (when I was a thirty-year-old adult), I have been fascinated with the teachings in the Bible, and no matter how many times I read the Bible or certain scriptures, I discover a new meaning almost every time. It’s no wonder we all have a different viewpoint, but I still wonder how so many people calling themselves Christians, can have such a wide range of conflicting values and opinions. So, what is it then that makes a person a Christian? How can we all be united with one common goal, instead of having conflicting viewpoints? How can Christians search and discover the truth?

    I have a passion for people who are searching, both for truth and for God, and my message is to not give up. Keep knocking! Most people want to believe that there is something better after this life, but they stop seeking because they have had a negative experience with religion or from religious people. Please don’t let this cause you to stop searching. Remember Christians are normal people. We can be hateful, judgmental, and hypocritical just like everyone else in the world.

    The truth is God loves you. If you do not believe in God, I urge you to keep seeking. The way I see it is that seeking God is the most important task you could do in this lifetime. After this life is over there are only two options. One, we die and cease to exist. Two, we die and either go to Heaven or to Hell for all eternity. If Christians are wrong, then we simply die and cease to exist. But if Christians are right, then we all have an eternity to spend in either Heaven or Hell. Isn’t this possible conclusion important enough to search for? Why should people cancel out God so quickly without earnestly seeking Him? The slightest possibility of being wrong about God is just too severe to not even attempt to search. Again, I urge you to honestly search for truth and for God! Is there really anything to lose?

    I would love to hear from anyone reading this and ask if you would be willing to visit my website and blog at www.josephbeach.com and add a post or comment.

    Thank you all so much. God bless you all!


    P.S. I have volunteered with several Christian organizations including Real Choices Pregnancy Center, Meals on Wheels, Child Evangelism Fellowship (Good News Club), Stephen Ministries, and Kairos Prison Ministry. My wife of thirty-six years, Michele, and I attend Gateway Church in Southlake Texas, and live in Euless, Texas.
