About Jennifer Fuentes

    Jennifer Lecler was born in “Spanish Harlem” or as it is called in Spanish, “El Barrio.” She graduated from Nyack College and got her B.A. in Psychology, Then her Master’s in Professional Studies with a concentration in Counseling. Jennifer has also acted in various stage productions, sings, and does Voice Overs. In addition, she loves to travel, crochet, and read. Jennifer was an Educator for 11 years and still hopes to be a certified Teacher in the future as the Lord leads, by earning her second Masters's in Education. Her experiences as you will read in her book have shaped her and constantly led her back to the One who not only saved her but the One who loved her before she was even born and continues to love her unconditionally, without reproach. Her hope is that you experience the same and that you the reader allow God to Transform your pain

    Jennifer Fuentes