Elesha Storey

About Elesha Storey

    Elesha Storey is a passionate creative who after losing her father re-evaluated her life and found her purpose. God turned tragedy into victory when He dropped DASHING (Dying to Achieve Success and Happiness IN God) into her spirit. Elesha took that revelation from God and created a business (dashing apparel®) and a movement (The DASHING Nation™) inspiring and equipping others to start Dashing. Addressing mind, body and spirit through books, music, apparel, media, and conferences and changing the definition of apparel to include clothed in Christ head to toe inside and out. She has one son, is a Human Resources leader, and an active member of her church in Plano, Texas. Elesha’s mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, inspiring and equipping others to find and embrace their purpose and abundant earthly and eternal life IN God.
    For more information about dashing apparel® and The DASHING Nation™, visit www.dashingapparel.com.

    Elesha Storey