Millennial Money Thinking
Are you ready to finally live the life you dreamed about as a kid? Then it’s time to take a trip down memory lane to uncover what happened back then that is affecting your financial decisions right now.
Too many of us are not living the life God created for us and each year we are getting more and more unhappy as our finances continue to spiral out of our control.
In this financial teaser, Chaketa Mellette shares the source of common financial problems and provides the steps to solve them.
You Will Learn:
-Why you are having financial challenges.
-Where to look to identify the origin of your financial struggles.
-The concept that money follows management.
-Where your real freedom comes from.
Solving financial challenges are deeper than trying every new budgeting technique that comes out each year. It’s about finding out why each year you find yourself back at square one or worse, but today that downwar