5 Faith-Fueled Strategies from Esther About Courage and Strategic Influence

10 October 2024

5 Faith-Fueled Strategies from Esther About Courage and Strategic Influence

We are continuing our exciting series on Bible characters who teach us powerful lessons on influence, messaging, and building ministry or marketing.

So far, we’ve explored Moses, the steadfast leader (read more about Moses here), and Paul, the audience specialist who mastered the art of knowing his audience (read more about Paul here). Today, we turn to the story of Esther—a woman of incredible courage who strategically used her influence and timing to advocate for her people. Esther’s story offers rich insights for anyone seeking to build their ministry, share their message, or grow their platform.

In the world of messaging and influence, timing is everything. Esther’s remarkable story shows us how the right words, delivered at the right moment, can change lives and even save nations. Let’s dive into Esther’s story to uncover actionable lessons about timing, courage, and trusting God to open the right doors.

5 Faith-Fueled Strategies from Esther About Courage and Strategic Influence

Esther’s Story: A Testament to Divine Timing and Courage

Esther’s story is found in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. Born as Hadassah, a young Jewish girl, Esther rose to become queen of Persia at a time when the Jewish people faced annihilation. Her rise to prominence wasn’t just a matter of royal favor—God orchestrated it for a specific purpose. When her cousin Mordecai learned of the plot by Haman (the king’s second-in-command) to exterminate the Jews, he urged Esther to intercede for her people. But approaching the king uninvited was a dangerous act that could have cost Esther her life.

Despite her fear, Esther demonstrated tremendous courage. She prayed, fasted, and sought God’s guidance before taking action. Instead of rushing in, she invited King Xerxes and Haman to a banquet and waited for the right moment to reveal her true identity and expose Haman’s plot. In the end, Esther’s courage and careful timing led to Haman’s downfall and the salvation of the Jewish people.

What We Can Learn from Esther’s Strategic Use of Timing

Esther’s story is more than a dramatic narrative—it’s a guide for how we can act wisely in our own lives, ministries, or businesses. Esther understood that timing is key to delivering a message effectively. She could have immediately gone to the king with her request, but instead, she waited and chose her moment carefully. This approach offers several practical lessons for anyone trying to make an impact today.

Here are some key lessons from Esther’s story that we can apply to our ministry, messaging, and personal growth:

1. Discernment and Patience Are Essential

In the heat of the moment, we often feel pressure to act or speak quickly. But like Esther, we must learn to balance discernment with patience. Esther took time to fast and pray, seeking God’s wisdom before making her move. She didn’t allow the urgency of the situation to push her into rash decisions.

Actionable Tip: Before you speak or take a significant step, pause to pray and reflect. Ask for discernment about the right moment to deliver your message or make your move. Whether you’re launching a new project, advocating for a cause, or sharing a message, timing can be the difference between success and failure.

Bible Verses:  

– “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

– “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

2. Preparation Leads to Effective Action

Esther didn’t approach the king impulsively. She prepared herself spiritually and strategically by fasting and praying for three days. Additionally, she crafted a two-step approach, inviting the king to two banquets before finally revealing her request. This careful preparation increased the likelihood of success.

Actionable Tip: When you’re preparing to advocate for your message, ministry, or business, take time to prepare spiritually and practically. Do your research, gather your resources, and ask for support from trusted people around you. The more prepared you are, the more effective your message will be when the moment arrives.

Bible Verses:  

– “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)  

– “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.” (Proverbs 18:15)

3. Know When to Speak—and When to Be Silent

Esther’s wisdom was evident in her timing. At the first banquet, she could have easily revealed Haman’s plan, but she waited. This delayed action created suspense, softened the king’s heart, and ensured that when she did speak, her words had the maximum impact.

Actionable Tip: Timing can drastically influence how well your message is received. Whether it’s addressing your audience, asking for support, or advocating for change, wait for the right moment. Pay attention to the spiritual and emotional readiness of the people you’re communicating with. Trust that God will guide you in when to speak up and when to wait.

Bible Verses: 

– “The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.” (Proverbs 10:14)  

– “A person finds joy in giving an apt reply—and how good is a timely word!” (Proverbs 15:23)

4. Trust God to Open Doors

Esther didn’t rely solely on her strategy—she trusted God to provide the opportunity for her request to be heard. Even in moments of fear and uncertainty, she placed her faith in God’s timing and provision.

Actionable Tip: When you feel called to speak up, advocate for a cause, or launch a new initiative, trust that God will open the right doors at the right time. You may not control the response, but you can trust that God is guiding your steps.

Bible Verses:  

– “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)  

– “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (Deuteronomy 20:4)

5. Courage Often Requires Risk, But the Rewards Are Great

Esther’s bravery shows us that courage comes with risks. She had to face the possibility of rejection or even death, but her faith in God and her commitment to her people gave her the strength to act. Advocacy, whether in ministry or business, requires stepping out of your comfort zone. But when done in faith, the rewards can be incredible.

Actionable Tip: Don’t be afraid to take risks when advocating for your message or mission. Like Esther, your courage can lead to transformational outcomes. Be willing to trust in God’s provision, even when the outcome is uncertain.

Bible Verses:  

– “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)  

– “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

Esther’s Strategic Timing: A Model for Modern Advocacy

Esther’s story is a model of how to wisely use influence, timing, and courage. Her actions weren’t rushed or impulsive—they were guided by faith, prayer, and patience. She waited for God to open the right door and trusted Him to provide the right moment. As we seek to grow our ministries, spread our messages, or advocate for others, Esther’s example reminds us that timing, preparation, and trust in God are essential ingredients to success.

Whether you’re advocating for your ministry, launching a new book, or growing your platform, remember the lessons from Esther. Take time to discern, prepare, and trust in God’s perfect timing.

Conclusion: What Can We Learn from Esther?


Esther’s story continues to inspire us to act with wisdom and courage. Her understanding of timing, her preparation, and her faith in God’s guidance are lessons we can all apply as we seek to make an impact in our ministries, businesses, or personal missions. As we’ve learned from Moses and Paul before her, God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways—when they trust His timing and speak up for what is right.

Next week, we’ll explore the story of David: The Relatable Leader and how he used authenticity and vulnerability to connect with his people. Be sure to stay tuned!

What part of Esther’s story resonated with you the most? I’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to share in our group!


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