7 Steps On How to Map Out 1 Month’s Content Strategy in 1 Hour

15 August 2024

7 Steps On How to Map Out 1 Month’s Content Strategy in 1 Hour

Content Is the Bridge to Your Mission

In today’s digital landscape, content is not just king; it’s the bridge between your calling as a Christian author and the readers God has prepared for your message. If they can’t see you, they won’t hear you. The era of relying solely on traditional media—TV, newspapers, and radio—to spread the word about your books is behind us. While those channels once required deep pockets and industry connections, today’s world offers a level playing field. We have the blessing of reaching readers across the globe for little to no cost, all while staying true to the message God has placed on our hearts.

However, the vastness of these opportunities can also feel overwhelming. The sheer volume of content you’re told you need to produce may make you hesitate to begin. But remember, God equips those He calls. We’re going to simplify this process and show you how to create a month’s worth of content in just one hour. With the right focus, your message can shine consistently without burning you out.

content strategy

Step 1: Identify 3-5 Key Topics That Reflect Your Mission

Before diving into content creation, prayerfully consider 3-5 key topics that resonate with both your personal mission and the needs of your readers. These topics should reflect the heart of your ministry and the message you’re called to share. Here are five foundational topics that can guide your content creation:

  1. Books You’re Reading
  2. Your Own Book(s)
  3. Hobbies and Interests
  4. Faith and Spiritual Growth
  5. Writing and Publishing Tips

For each of these topics, brainstorm a list of subtopics or themes. These ideas will become the seeds of your content. Let’s explore these topics with some examples.

Topic 1: Books You’re Reading

Sharing the books you’re currently reading or have been inspired by is a great way to connect with your audience. It allows you to engage in meaningful discussions while offering insights that align with your mission.

  • Examples:
    • Discuss how a particular Christian book has deepened your understanding of a scriptural truth.
    • Share a review of a book that inspired a chapter in your own writing.
    • Recommend a devotional or study guide that has impacted your spiritual growth.

Topic 2: Your Own Book(s)

Your own books are central to your message and ministry. By regularly sharing content related to your work, you can keep your audience engaged and informed about your latest projects.

  • Examples:
    • Share an excerpt from your latest book and discuss the inspiration behind it.
    • Post a behind-the-scenes look at your writing process, including how prayer influences your work.
    • Create a short video discussing the themes of your book and how they relate to your readers’ lives.

Topic 3: Hobbies and Interests

Your hobbies and interests are a reflection of who you are outside of writing. Sharing these aspects of your life can help build a personal connection with your audience, making you more relatable and authentic.

  • Examples:
    • Write about how gardening helps you connect with God and find peace.
    • Share a favorite recipe and how it reminds you of the importance of family and fellowship.
    • Discuss a hobby like hiking or painting, and how it inspires your creativity in writing.

Topic 4: Faith and Spiritual Growth

Faith is the cornerstone of your life and work. Sharing your spiritual journey and the lessons you’ve learned can deeply resonate with your audience, encouraging them in their walk with Christ.

  • Examples:
    • Reflect on how a recent sermon or Bible study has shaped your perspective on a current project.
    • Share a personal testimony of how God has worked in your life recently.
    • Offer practical tips for deepening one’s relationship with God through prayer, fasting, or meditation on Scripture.

Topic 5: Writing and Publishing Tips

As a Christian author, you have valuable insights into the writing and publishing process. Sharing your expertise can help fellow authors navigate their own journeys while positioning you as a thought leader in the field.

  • Examples:
    • Write a blog post on how to stay motivated during the writing process, especially during spiritual dry spells.
    • Share tips on finding a publisher that aligns with your values as a Christian author.
    • Discuss the importance of prayer and discernment when making decisions about your writing career.

Step 2: Generate Content Ideas Under Each Topic

With your key topics in place, it’s time to flesh them out with content ideas. Aim to come up with 3-5 ideas for each topic. These don’t need to be lengthy or complicated; the goal is to provide meaningful, bite-sized content that will resonate with your readers.

For example:

Topic: Books You’re Reading

  • Idea 1: Write a brief reflection on how a specific book has impacted your faith journey.
  • Idea 2: Share a quote from a book and discuss its relevance to your current writing project.
  • Idea 3: Create a list of recommended reads for Christian authors, with a short description of why each book is valuable.

Topic: Faith and Spiritual Growth

  • Idea 1: Share a daily devotional that has been particularly meaningful to you.
  • Idea 2: Write about a recent prayer experience and how it has influenced your work.
  • Idea 3: Discuss the importance of spiritual disciplines like fasting or solitude in maintaining your creative energy.

Step 3: Set a Timer for 1 Hour

With your topics and ideas ready, dedicate one focused hour to mapping out your entire month’s content. This is the foundational step where you outline what you’ll be sharing over the coming weeks. By the end of this hour, you should have a clear plan for the month ahead, ensuring that your content is purposeful and aligned with your mission.

  • Tip: Break this hour into segments:
    • 10 minutes: Begin with prayer, asking for God’s guidance as you plan your content. Then, brainstorm and write down potential headlines or themes that align with your key topics.
    • 30 minutes: Flesh out your content ideas. For each topic, draft bullet points or outlines that capture the main points you want to communicate.
    • 20 minutes: Review your plan, making sure each piece of content is cohesive and aligns with your overall message.

Step 4: Allocate Additional Hours for Implementation

Now that your content is mapped out, you can approach the creation process with less stress and more focus. Dedicate additional one-hour sessions on different days to complete the content production tasks.

Hour 1: Designing Graphics

Use this session to create visuals using Canva. Design images that reflect the themes and messages you’ve mapped out. Remember, visuals should reinforce your message and engage your audience.

Hour 2: Drafting and Writing

Spend this time fleshing out the content outlines you’ve created. Focus on drafting posts, refining language, and ensuring that each piece is encouraging, insightful, and true to your voice.

Hour 3: Scheduling Content

Use scheduling tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to plan and queue your posts. This hour is dedicated to ensuring that your content goes out consistently across all platforms, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your ministry.

Step 5: Use Tools to Simplify the Process

Take advantage of various tools to streamline your content creation and scheduling. Canva is ideal for creating engaging graphics, while tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Later can help automate your posting schedule. Google Docs or Evernote are perfect for jotting down ideas and drafting content on the go.

Step 6: Repurpose and Reuse Content with Purpose

Repurposing content is an excellent way to extend the reach of your message without extra effort. A blog post can be broken down into social media snippets, a newsletter, or even a podcast script. The key is to ensure that each piece of content remains authentic to your voice and message.

  • Example: If you write a devotional on trusting God during difficult times, turn it into a series of Instagram posts, a reflective blog entry, and a topic for your next email newsletter.

Step 7: Review, Reflect, and Rejoice

Once your content is created and scheduled, take a moment to review your work. Ensure that your posts align with your mission to glorify God and edify your readers. Reflect on what worked well and where you can improve. And don’t forget to rejoice—what you’ve accomplished in this hour is not just content creation, but kingdom work.

Advanced Tip: Leverage Data to Enhance Your Content Strategy

Once you’ve mapped out and scheduled your content, take your strategy to the next level by incorporating data-driven insights. Understanding what resonates with your audience can help you fine-tune your messaging and maximize engagement. If you’re ready to dive deeper into optimizing your platform and reaching more readers, check out our blog: 10 Powerful Data-Driven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Christian Author Platform. It’s packed with actionable strategies to help you grow your influence and impact with precision.

Conclusion: Steward Your Gifts with Joy

Creating a month’s worth of content in less than an hour is not just a time-management hack; it’s a way to faithfully steward the gifts and opportunities God has given you. By focusing on what matters, leveraging the right tools, and seeking God’s guidance, you can maintain a consistent, impactful presence without feeling overwhelmed. Your message matters, and by sharing it consistently, you’re not just building your platform—you’re advancing the Kingdom. Now, set that timer, get creating, and let your light shine!

Ready to Take Your Content Strategy to the Next Level?
Contact us at coacht@christianauthors.net for exclusive tips, resources, and personalized support tailored to help you amplify your message and grow your platform with confidence.

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