Empowering Your Voice, Sharing His Love

Join the Christian Authors Network, where our mission is to equip and empower you to spread the transformative message of Jesus to the masses. Whether you’re a seasoned author, a beginner, or have a story burning inside you, we’re here to support your journey to share your unique gifts with the world.


, Christian authors

Your Message Matters

In a world where darkness seeks to suppress hope, your voice as a Christian author is more crucial than ever. You are uniquely positioned to bring light, offer hope, and make a significant difference. Let us help you amplify your voice and extend your reach.

Join Us Today

Step into your calling as a Christian author. With the Christian Authors Network, you’re not just writing books; you’re changing lives and spreading hope. Join our community and take the first step towards amplifying your message and transforming lives.

Submit Your Listing to Join Our Author Showcase

Become a part of our premier network by submitting your free listing to ChristianAuthors.net. Get connected with podcasters, bloggers, and event planners and join a community of diverse Christian voices who are making their mark on the world.

Exclusive Free Marketing Guide

Struggling with book sales? “Christian Author Marketing Secrets” offers powerful strategies to boost your online presence and sales. Download it now and start seeing real results.


, Christian authors
I have been humbled and blessed to be challenged, supported, and guided by the Christian Authors Network and Coach Tam in my professional coaching and speaking journey. Beyond the podcast, free website offerings, and community connections Coach Tam and CAN have blessed me abundantly. 
I cautiously and tentatively entered the Speak Up Competition… but I chose to work hard through the stages and process, and with God’s help,  and Tam’s progressive stages, I won the competition’s grand prize: a trip to Colorado Springs including the housing, branding photos, and a speaker reel, and $250 in spending money.
CAN’s Speak Up Competition was by far the most exciting and empowering experience of my life. The competition process more deeply defined my passion, mission, and gratefulness for the God-sized moments in my life. I know that without CAN, Tam, and the Speak Up Challenge, I wouldn’t have challenged myself in this way or been given the motivation and resources to encourage others and boldly follow God’s plan for me. Thank you CAN and Tam!

Dori Durbin
