About Cherrilynn Bisbano

    Cherrilynn is an award-winning writer, speaker, and coach. She loves encouraging her brothers and sister to stand firm and shine for Jesus. She is an expert in book proposals and memoirs. She teaches writing at Christian Leaders Institute and various writing conferences. Her desire is to help writers go from mind to manuscript.

    Her book, "Shine Don’t Whine" is helping many overcome, fear, anxiety, perfectionism, and worry. She considers it an honor to be published twice in "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and in award-winning books like, "Kiss Guilt Goodbye,"  "Heart Reno," "Breaking the Chains," and "Get to the Margins Author’s Anthology."

    Cherrilynn proudly served in the military for twenty years, earning the John Levitow Military leadership award.  She lives with her seventeen-year-old son, Michael, Jr., and husband of 20 years, Michael, Sr.  She loves Christ, chocolate, coffee, and cats.

    Cherrilynn Bisbano

    Cherrilynn is a monthly columnist for Arise devotions and Blue Ridge Mountain Blog.

    As managing editor of Almost an Author, she helped the website earn the #6 spot on the Top 100 best writing websites for 2018 by The Write Life and Top 101 Websites for writers with Writers Digest.

